A 12-week nutrition coaching program designed for women aged 20 to 50 years to ditch diets for good and unlock freedom with food, their mind and their body.

What's included

✔️ Comprehensive online program portal

✔️4x Online nutrition consultations

✔️6x Fortnightly live group sessions

✔️6 months access to the Private Facebook support group

✔️12x Weekly online check-ins

✔️Nourish Your Body Recipe e-book

✔️7-day meal plan

Are you someone who...

✅Has a 'black and white' view when it comes to food

✅Falls off the bandwagon each time you try to diet

✅Obsesses over what you're going to eat next

✅Are confused when it comes to making 'healthy' food choices

✅Feels guilty around food

✅Struggles with binge eating

Diet culture is making you feel like it’s your fault but failing diets is inevitable, they were designed to be failed!

If you only change what food you’re eating and not your mindset, the change won’t be long-term.

I will provide you with the foundation and support to achieve your health goals and maintain them long after the program. ⁠

What you'll learn on Ditch the Diet...

➡️Understand the dangers of dieting and learn the essentials for life-long food freedom.

➡️Discover the secrets to unlocking food freedom and breaking free from the vicious dieting cycle.

➡️Uncover the reasons why you binge or emotional eat and navigate ways to overcome these.

➡️Unpack the stigmas around different foods and challenging your personal food rules.

➡️Craft a plan to adopt anti-diet nutrition for sustainable health in the long-term.


I'm an Accredited Practising Dietitian who is passionate about helping women to break free from diet culture, quit dieting for good and have a positive relationship with all foods for life.

If you don't already, come say hi on Instagram @maddiparsonsnutrition

Pop in your details to get on the waitlist and be the first to know when the doors are open for the Ditch the Diet Program!

You'll also get access to exclusive waitlist early bird specials that aren't available to the average Joe.